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Maintaining all aspects of your vehicle is important, but the battery deserves particular attention. After all, you can think of the car battery as the heart of the vehicle, and if it’s not as healthy as it could be, then it’ll be no surprise if you experience other automobile issues. By investing in battery maintenance, you can extend battery life and increase your car’s reliability and function.

Happily, correct car battery care is relatively straightforward once you know how. In this post, we’ll run through everything you need to know about maintaining car batteries, including why it’s important, common battery issues, and what to do when you need to buy a replacement.

Understanding Your Car Battery

As we said above, the battery serves as the heart of the car. It’s what provides the vehicle to do a whole host of vital tasks, such as starting the ignition and turning on the lights. If you experience problems with your car’s battery, then you’ll notice it pretty quickly. You might find that it’s taking longer for your car to start once you turn the key, or, at some point, that it’s not starting at all.

There’s more than one type of car battery, and it’s important to know which type powers your vehicle since they tend to have different lifespans. Some of the most common types of car batteries include:

Lead-Acid Batteries

The lead-acid battery has been around for a long time — it was invented in 1859 — yet remains the most common car battery type. They’re highly reliable and can be used for a wide range of vehicle types. They last for around 3 - 5 years, though you’ll need to invest in car battery care to reach the upper limit.

AGM Batteries

AGM batteries are more powerful and tend to be used in vehicles that have high power demands. And not only are they more powerful, but they also last longer — with proper battery maintenance, they’ll last for up to seven years. AGM batteries tend to cost significantly more than lead-acid batteries.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are increasingly used in the automobile industry due to their reliability, relatively high energy efficiency, and power. However, while they do tend to last longer, they also require more maintenance since overheating can be an issue. If they’re maintained correctly, they can last a decade or more.

Regular Maintenance Tips

All batteries die at some point, but when that happens is within your control, to a degree. If you take the time to properly care for your car battery, then not only will there be a longer period of time before you need to replace the battery, but you’ll also benefit from a smoother driving experience.

It’s recommended to get your battery seen by a professional from time to time, but there are also plenty of things you can do yourself. Here are just three maintenance tips that’ll help to keep your battery in tip-top condition:

Check the Fluid Levels

You can’t thrive without water; your car battery can’t thrive without fluids. Every few months, take off the fluid cap of your battery and check the levels; if they’re running low, then top it up. Note that not all batteries require fluid — if in doubt, consult the vehicle handbook.

Keep the Battery Terminals Clean

Even though it’s under a hood, the car battery will still get dirty after a little while. Dirt and debris that accumulate on the battery terminals can make it more difficult for your battery to flow energy around your vehicle, which drains the power more quickly. Keeping the battery terminal clean will help to avoid this easily prevented problem.

Keep the Battery Case Clean

And while you’re cleaning the battery terminals, show the battery case a little TLC, too. Keeping the case free of dirt and debris will help to prevent discharge and ground faults. Since car battery dirt can be a little stubborn, it’s best to use a battery-cleaning product.

Charging Practices

Correctly maintaining your car battery is key for avoiding overcharging. In most cases, overcharging occurs as a result of incorrect battery charger use. However, it can also be caused by a poor alternator voltage regulator or a faulty alternator.

If you notice any signs that your car battery is overcharged, then it’s best to make an appointment with a car battery expert as soon as possible. Similarly, it’s just as important to avoid overly draining the battery, too. That can lead to the formation of crystallized lead sulfate, which can reduce the lifespan of the battery.

If you need to jumpstart your vehicle with a charger, make sure that you’re using a compatible charger. They’re not all created equal! If you don’t plan on driving your vehicle for a while, you can avoid battery damage by removing the battery altogether or driving the car for at least thirty minutes once a week.

Common Battery Issues and How to Address Them

It’s usually pretty easy to tell when there’s a battery issue. Some common symptoms include:

  • Dim headlights
  • Poor-functioning electrical windows
  • Clicking sound when starting the vehicle
  • Battery system warning light
  • Battery swelling

If you experience these problems, then testing your battery can help determine the presence of an electrical problem. In cases where the vehicle won’t turn on, jumpstarting the car with a charger or electrical cables will usually get it started. Note that battery problems rarely go away on their own; if you’re noticing repeated problems, then get in touch with a professional.

Best Practices for Battery Replacement

Usually, the best indicator that it’s time to replace a battery is time. If you’re reaching the upper limit of your battery’s lifespan — usually 4 - 7 years — then researching its replacement will be best. Looking at your vehicle’s power requirements, researching the reputation of the manufacturer, and considering your budget will all help you make the right choice. It’s recommended to consult with a professional, who will be able to recommend the right solution and even help with the installation process.


Your car battery is a wonderfully advanced piece of equipment, but it’ll need your support from time to time. By taking the time to sufficiently care for your car’s battery, you’ll help to maintain vehicle performance and put a longer gap between car battery replacement.

If you need help caring for your car battery or you're in the market for a replacement, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the expert team here at All Coast Tyres by clicking here.